È comprensibile se ti senti confuso con la grande varietà di bambole disponibili in diverse forme, tipi di corpo, tonalità della pelle e dimensioni. Ci sono molte sfide che i collezionisti di bambole adulte devono affrontare, come l'elevata domanda di bambole rare, la disponibilità limitata e la difficoltà di trovare bambole autentiche e moda esclusiva per loro. Per assisterti nel tuo percorso di collezionismo di bambole, abbiamo creato alcune tabelle di riferimento che ti guideranno nel tuo percorso di collezionismo di bambole.
Avere le dimensioni delle bambole a portata di mano può essere incredibilmente vantaggioso. Con le nostre tabelle per bambole, puoi identificare facilmente le bambole, determinare la taglia che indossano e prendere decisioni di acquisto informate. Ci auguriamo che le nostre tabelle di riferimento siano utili per guidarti attraverso le sfide del collezionismo di bambole. Con le nostre classifiche puoi navigare con sicurezza nel mondo del collezionismo di bambole e goderti i frutti di questo hobby appagante.

Le bambole Poppy Parker di Integrity Toys sono il sogno di ogni collezionista, con una straordinaria varietà di tonalità di rossetto che esaltano il loro fascino rétro-chic. Queste bambole offrono una gamma vivace di colori, tra cui nude, moka, rosa chiaro, rosa, pesca, corallo, bacca, rosso neon e rosso classico. Ogni tonalità aggiunge un tocco unico alla personalità delle bambole, rendendole un acquisto imprescindibile per qualsiasi appassionato di bambole.
Per migliorare l'aspetto della vostra bambola Poppy Parker, ecco alcuni consigli di stile per abbinare le tonalità di rossetto agli outfit:
- Nude e Moka: Abbinate queste tonalità sottili con outfit casual e dai toni neutri, come marroni terrosi, beige morbidi e denim classico. Si sposano perfettamente anche con stili minimalisti e contemporanei.
- Rosa Chiaro e Pesca: Queste tonalità morbide e delicate sono ideali per look romantici e femminili. Pensate a vestiti di pizzo, completi in tonalità pastello e outfit ispirati al vintage.
- Rosa e Corallo: Vivaci e allegre, queste tonalità aggiungono un tocco di colore a stili giocosi, preppy e stampe audaci e colorate.
- Bacca: Profonda e sofisticata, la tonalità bacca è ideale per abiti eleganti da sera e outfit chic dai toni scuri. Si abbina bene anche con stili bohemien dai toni ricchi e terrosi.
- Rosso Neon e Rosso Classico: Audaci e intraprendenti, queste tonalità fanno una dichiarazione. Abbinatele a look glamour e di alta moda, compresi vestiti neri eleganti, motivi audaci e accessori appariscenti.
Collezionare bambole Poppy Parker è più di un hobby; è una forma d'arte. Con queste varie tonalità di rossetto, ogni bambola può esprimere il proprio stile e la propria personalità unici. Arricchite la vostra collezione con questi consigli di moda e fate diventare le vostre bambole Poppy Parker le star della vostra vetrina.

Integrity Toys' Tulabelle True dolls stand out for their unique fashion style, with each year's release showcasing distinct design elements that reflect different eras of fashion. First introduced in 2013 as 16-inch dolls, these exquisite collectibles captured the hearts of fashion enthusiasts with their larger-than-life presence. In 2016, the line was expanded to include 12-inch dolls, offering even more versatility and appeal to collectors. One of the key differences between the 16-inch and 12-inch dolls lies in their proportions and detailing. The 16-inch dolls boast a grander scale, allowing for intricate and elaborate outfits, while the 12-inch dolls provide a more compact and accessible option for displaying diverse fashion styles.
The Tulabelle face sculpt sparks varied opinions among collectors. Some love its unique, expressive features like exaggerated eyes and high cheekbones, which give the dolls a distinct personality. Others find it too unconventional, preferring classic, understated looks. This divergence in views makes Tulabelle dolls a fascinating study in collector preferences.

Integrity Toys' Fashion Royalty line features a dazzling array of characters, each with their own distinct style and personality. Vanessa Perrin embodies timeless elegance, often seen in sleek, high-fashion couture that exudes sophistication. Kyori Sato is the epitome of edgy chic, favoring bold and daring ensembles that push the boundaries of fashion. Natalia Fatale, the femme fatale of the group, gravitates towards luxurious and opulent outfits, dripping with glamour and allure. Eugenia Perrin-Frost brings a modern twist to classic style, seamlessly blending vintage and contemporary elements for a unique look. Dasha d’Amboise is known for her refined Parisian style, effortlessly combining classic and contemporary fashion trends. Agnes Von Weiss is the ultimate high-society maven, with a preference for extravagant, statement-making couture. Adele Makeda, the sophisticated global citizen, often opts for chic, modern pieces that showcase her cosmopolitan elegance. Each character’s unique style preferences not only enrich their individual personas but also offer collectors a diverse palette of fashion inspirations, making the Fashion Royalty line a treasure trove for fashion aficionados

Integrity Toys' NuFace dolls boast a spectrum of distinct and captivating characters, each bringing their own unique flair to the fashion world. Colette Duranger embodies urban chic, often seen in edgy, street-smart attire that blends high fashion with everyday wear. Lilith and Eden Blair, the iconic twin sisters, exude contrasting styles—Lilith is known for her avant-garde, rebellious fashion choices, while Eden opts for a more polished, classic look. Erin S. Salston captures the essence of youthful exuberance, with a wardrobe full of bold prints and trendy pieces. Lastly, Ayumi Nakamura is the epitome of modern sophistication, seamlessly blending elegant silhouettes with contemporary trends.
Alejandra Luna stands out with her bold, vibrant fashion sense, often embracing eclectic and artistic styles. Nadja Rhymes brings a touch of retro glam, with an affinity for vintage-inspired, chic outfits. Rayna Ahmadi is all about effortless cool, favoring minimalist and sleek ensembles.
Each NuFace doll offers collectors a diverse range of fashion inspirations, making the line a dynamic addition to any collection.

Poppy Parker, Fashion Royalty e Nuface sono tutte famose linee di bambole fashion di Integrity Toys che offrono diverse dimensioni e stili. Le bambole Poppy Parker sono famose per il loro look di ispirazione vintage e sono disponibili nella dimensione di 12 pollici. Le bambole Fashion Royalty sono altamente dettagliate e sono disponibili anche nella dimensione di 12 pollici. Le bambole Nuface sono più moderne e spigolose e sono disponibili in una dimensione di 12,5 pollici. Le misure della bambola Barbie, d'altra parte, sono disponibili in una varietà di taglie, tra cui piccola, alta e formosa.
Le bambole Barbie vintage avevano anche una varietà di forme del corpo, tra cui la classica clessidra (caratterizzata da una vita piccola e fianchi sinuosi) e la figura dritta più snella (con una corporatura più atletica).
Ogni forma del corpo offre opzioni di moda uniche e consente una maggiore inclusività nel mondo delle bambole.

Integrity Toys offre una selezione limitata di bambole alla moda maschili, come Homme e The Monarchs, ciascuna con tipi di corpo distinti. Inoltre, la linea Poppy Parker offre bambole maschili di ispirazione vintage da 12 pollici, con una varietà di abiti e accessori per migliorare il loro look retrò.
Le bambole Barbie Ken sono disponibili in una vasta gamma di tipi di corpo e dimensioni, offrendo diversità nel mondo delle bambole maschili. La bambola Ken articolata ha una corporatura snella e atletica, mentre la linea Fashionista comprende bambole con spalle più larghe, vita più definita e altezze diverse. La linea Looks presenta bambole Ken con tipologie corporee ancora più diverse, tra cui una corporatura più muscolosa e una statura più alta. Con queste opzioni, le bambole Barbie Ken offrono una varietà di scelte di moda sia per i collezionisti che per i fan.
Una tabella delle taglie delle bambole può essere uno strumento utile per i collezionisti di bambole che desiderano acquistare vestiti per le loro bambole maschili. Facendo riferimento alla tabella, i collezionisti possono assicurarsi di selezionare l'abbigliamento gtGdollwear che si adatta correttamente alle loro bambole.

Integrity Toys offers an eclectic mix of male characters, each with their own distinctive style preferences that complement the diversity of their female counterparts. Darius exudes an urban cool vibe, favoring edgy streetwear that mixes high fashion with casual elements. Romain Perrin epitomizes classic elegance, frequently donning timeless, dapper outfits. Victor James is the epitome of high-society allure with a penchant for luxurious, opulent attire. Noah Faraday opts for a laid-back, trendy look, while Jean Therapy brings a touch of retro glam with his vintage-inspired style. Tobias Alsford is known for his rugged, adventurous fashion choices, while Declan Wake combines modern sophistication with a hint of mystery. Milo Montez captures the essence of youthful exuberance with trendy, vibrant outfits. Chip Farnsworth III is all about preppy, polished looks, and Sergio Silva brings a sleek, contemporary edge to his wardrobe. Kieron Morel stands out with his bold, artistic fashion sense, often embracing eclectic and avant-garde styles. Each character's wardrobe reflects their individual personality, making them not just dolls, but true fashion icons within the Integrity Toys universe.

In the realm of adult doll collecting, one of the perennial challenges is finding the perfect pair of shoes that fit various dolls' leg and foot sizes. Barbie dolls, for instance, are well-known for their petite feet and arch, making it sometimes tricky to find shoes that fit snugly and look proportionate. On the other hand, Integrity Toys dolls boast a variety of leg and foot sizes, often with slightly larger, more realistic foot shapes. This variance adds to the realism of the dolls but can complicate the shoe-hunting process for collectors. With Barbie’s classic, high-arched foot and Integrity Toys’ more varied, anatomically accurate feet, collectors must often mix and match or seek out custom-made footwear to ensure their dolls are both stylish and properly shod. Integrity Toys has recently made it easier for collectors by including both flat and heeled feet options in the same pack, offering versatility and convenience. This unique challenge adds another layer of engagement and creativity to the hobby, as collectors navigate the intricate world of doll fashion.

For the discerning adult doll collector, Integrity Toys offers a stunning array of dolls with diverse and meticulously crafted skin tones. From the warm, rich hues of "Sunkissed" and "A-Tone" to the delicate, fair shades of "FR White" and "Japan," each doll is a masterpiece of artistry and realism. These varied skin tones not only enhance the beauty and uniqueness of each doll but also celebrate the rich tapestry of human diversity. Whether you're adding to your collection or seeking a specific look, Integrity Toys' dolls provide endless possibilities for creating captivating and inclusive displays. To assist in finding the perfect match, using our skin tone chart can be incredibly helpful. It allows you to compare shades accurately, ensuring a seamless blend between doll bodies and heads. We hope that our chart will guide you on your way of discovering the perfect doll that resonates with your aesthetic vision.

In the world of adult doll collecting, the eyebrows of Integrity Toys' Poppy Parker dolls stand out as a defining feature that adds depth and personality to each character. Poppy Parker's eyebrows vary in shape and style, from the classic, soft angled arched brows that exude timeless elegance to the more contemporary, hard think angled brows that give a youthful, modern appeal. The subtle differences in eyebrow shapes can dramatically change the expression and overall look of the doll, making each one a unique work of art. Collectors appreciate attention to detail that Integrity Toys invests in these features, enhancing the realism and individuality of each doll in the Poppy Parker line.
Each doll's eyebrow shape can be a focal point that complements its makeup, hairstyle, and outfit, adding a layer of sophistication to your collection.

Integrity Toys dolls are renowned for their attention to detail, and their painted hands and manicures are no exception. Majority of dolls feature two sets of crafted hands with various poses and shapes, adding a lifelike quality to their appearance. From delicately curved stiletto shaped nails that evoke elegance to playful, slightly shorter oval nails, the diversity allows collectors to find the perfect match for their doll's style. The painted manicures, often in vibrant hues or sophisticated neutrals, further enhance the realism and beauty of these dolls. The subtle shimmer of nail polish or the glossy finish adds a touch of glamour, making each doll a true fashion statement. Additionally, the different grip options—ranging from relaxed open hands to those designed to hold accessories—add another layer of interactive realism, making each doll not just a display piece but an engaging element of a dynamic collection. For an extra touch of elegance, some dolls even feature gloved hands, perfect for those sophisticated, high-society looks that add an extra layer of refinement.

Integrity Toys excels in offering a dazzling array of doll hair colors, and their spectrum of blonde shades is nothing short of extraordinary. From the striking platinum mix that exudes an icy allure to the sun-kissed strawberry blonde that captures the essence of a beach day, each shade is crafted with meticulous attention to detail. The soft, buttery hues of honey blonde offer a warm, inviting appeal, while the classic ash blonde provides a cool, sophisticated touch. These diverse blonde shades not only enhance the realism and beauty of each doll but also offer collectors a myriad of options for creating unique and personalized displays.

Integrity Toys' Ginger Gilroy dolls have captivated collectors since their debut, each doll embodying a unique blend of elegance and personality. The Ginger Gilroy line began as a tribute to the timeless glamour of vintage fashion, quickly becoming a beloved series among doll enthusiasts. Over the years, these dolls have evolved, each release reflecting a distinct era and style, while maintaining the classic charm that defines Ginger Gilroy.
The "Friend or Foe" Ginger Gilroy from 2019 features a classic 1950s bubble dress in pale blue, exuding old Hollywood glam. In 2020, the "Holiday at Home" Ginger Gilroy dazzles with a rich red hair color and a festive look. The 2021 "Boudoir Noir" Ginger Gilroy, part of the Obsession Convention, sports a sultry strawberry blonde hair and a sophisticated noir ensemble. Also in 2021, the "Beautiful Ginger Gilroy" from the Style Lab collection stands out with dark auburn hair and a chic, modern outfit. Lastly, the 2023 "Chain Reaction" Ginger Gilroy from the Neutral Code Collection features titian red hair and a stylish, contemporary look. Each doll captures a distinct era and style, making them a must-have for collectors.